Welcome to Double Horseshoe Ranches
Hunt for Quail, Dove, and More!
Offering the finest in trophy whitetail, dove, quail and spring Rio Grande turkey hunting in central West Texas. Located just 30 minutes northwest of Abilene in both Jones and Fisher counties, Double Horseshoe Ranches are comprised of more than 5,000 acres that are 100% family owned and operated. Both Fisher and Jones counties are noted for their excellent dove and quail hunting, while also possessing the reputation for producing some of the finest whitetails in Texas. The ranches routinely have whitetails in the Texas Big Game Awards Program, with more than 60 being recognized in the past decade.
The Double Horseshoe Ranches bring you the best of all the above. All together, the ranches’ topography ranges from rolling sand hills covered with oak trees and brush to tighter soils covered with mesquite brush and wheat fields.
Ranch News
Thank You!
As we wind down another season, we want to thank all of our hunters for their business and friendship. It's truly a pleasure to spend time with both new and returning hunters. As always, we strive to make everyone feel more like a friend than just a number.
Reserve Your Spot Early
Give us a call and reserve your spot for 2015 select hunts. We have a limited number of openings for spring turkey, dove and deer.
"My first trip to the Double Horseshoe with my son John who has made several trips to the ranch. The deer were only a part of my experience. The owners treated us not like guests, but like close friends or family. They are down to earth great country people. The ladies in the family have got to be the best cooks in Texas. It's a place I will recommend to my friends and I hope to make another trip some day. Thanks for the memories."
John Corn - Hiram, GA
© Double Horseshoe Ranches